Stop Warehouses & Trucks
S.W.A.T. (Stop Warehouses and Trucks) is a group of concerned citizens committed to stopping the construction of the warehouses. These warehouses total up one million square feet of warehouse space. All of these projects are now under consideration by the Hillsborough Planning Board.
The following table summarizes the warehouse projects now before the Planning Board.
The location of the proposed warehouse projects is shown below.

A: 189/203 Homestead Road
Building 1 would be the second largest building in all of Hillsborough.
Building 2 includes a plan to have 80,000 pound tractor trailers drive over the gas transmission lines hundreds of times per day.
B: 279 Homestead Road
Has undergone a major revision. The applicant will submit revised plans that will conform to the township’s zoning ordinance and objections of a neighbor.
C: 303 Amwell Road
E: 1170 Millstone Road
These are two properties to be purchased by Hillsborough using open space funds provided by taxpayers. The resolution to purchase these two unchanged properties totaling 28 acres, was passed by the Township Committee on November 28th 2023 using existing open space tax funds for $9.5 million. Two years ago in November 2021, Redcom Corporation purchased these properties for just over $1.5 million.
At this time, the sale has not been completed.
F: Weston Road - Denied on January 9, 2025
The applicant anticipates that the facility will generate 76 truck trips per day.
When the site is cleared, they will be cutting down 977 trees with a trunk diameter between 6 and 12", and 448 trees with a trunk diameter between 13 and 24". This is a major loss of forest for the town and the region.
Typically, the Planning Board will consider only one project at any meeting. Meeting agendas are posted in advance.
Planning Board Meeting Dates in the link below
Concerned citizens are urged to attend as many meetings as possible.
While you may be more concerned about a warehouse close to your home, every one of these projects will have ramifications for all Hillsborough residents.
Sign our petition at:
Hillsborough, Hillsborough, NJ, Homestead Road, Homestead Road L.L.C., Homestead Road LLC, Mid-State Industrial Park, No Warehouse, Planning Board, Route 206, S.W.A.T., Stop Warehouse and Trucks, Stop Warehouses and Trucks, SWAT hb, SWAT_hb, SWAT-hb, T.E.C.D., TECD, Transitional Economic Development District, Warehouse, Willow Road, Linda Shockley , stormwater, stormwater management, stormwater runoff, flood, flooding, Harvard Way, Amwell Road, Amwell Rd, 303 Amwell Road, 303 Amwell Rd, Millstone River Rd, Millstone River Road, Redcom, Redcon