Stop Warehouses & Trucks
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189 and 203 Homestead Road warehouse
Planning Board meeting: September 12 at 7:00 pm
The objectors for this application will continue to present their experts in opposition to this warehouse complex. It is important for the public to hear testimony over the next few meetings from Clay Emerson (stormwater and flood management), or Kenneth Hausan (traffic) and Carlos Rodriquez will present his planning report.
Their testimony will show how our quality of life would degrade if the warehouses are built.
Weston Road warehouse
Planning Board meeting: September 5, 2024 at 7:00 pm
The Weston Road Planner finished his testimony and the public finished their questioning at the June 6th Planning Board meeting. Craig Emerson, from Princeton Hydro started his opposition testimony for the Hearthstone Weston Road community but was unable to finish. He will continue to testify on Thursday, September 5th.
When he completes his testimony, the applicant and the public will have the opportunity to question him about flooding, water retention, and other findings.
279 Homestead Road warehouse
Planning Board meeting: TBD
There have been nine Planning Board meetings on this proposed warehouse. The location is behind the Stryka Botanica building and therefore it does not have street frontage, which is not allowed in this zone.
This means that Redcom hasn’t met the zoning requirements and the applicant will be submitting revised plans to the Planning Board. No meeting date is scheduled at this time.
303 Amwell Road warehouse
Planning Board meeting: TBD
These are two properties to be purchased by Hillsborough using open space funds provided by taxpayers. The resolution to purchase these two unchanged properties totaling 28 acres, was passed by the Township Committee on November 28th 2023 using existing open space tax funds for $9.5 million. Two years ago in November 2021, Redcom Corporation purchased these properties for just over $1.5 million.
At this time, the sale has not been completed.
1170 Millstone Road warehouse
Planning Board meeting: TBD
These are two properties to be purchased by Hillsborough using open space funds provided by taxpayers. The resolution to purchase these two unchanged properties totaling 28 acres, was passed by the Township Committee on November 28th 2023 using existing open space tax funds for $9.5 million. Two years ago in November 2021, Redcom Corporation purchased these properties for just over $1.5 million.
At this time, the sale has not been completed.
Harvard Way warehouse